Over the past several weeks we have received requests from homeowners and roofing companies to assist with removing and reinstalling solar panels. These homeowners had to have new roofing installed for various reasons including storm damage.
We have also received requests to repair incorrectly re-installed systems after they have been removed by the homeowner or the roofing company. Removing and reinstalling incorrectly can result in physical system damage, loss of use, or damage to the electrical solar equipment.
SESPOWER Inc. offers this professional service based on time and materials.
The removal and installation process includes:
inventory of the existing system
check the wiring to diagnose possible existing issues
remove panels and store them properly onsite if in good condition or proper disposal of bad panels
replace mounting hardware
re-install the panels or replace them with new ones if damaged
test for correct operation
We coordinate with the homeowner and the contractor/roofing company to get this process completed as efficiently as possible.
Contact us as soon as possible if you have solar panels on a roof that needs to be replaced and we will get you an estimate quickly. It saves money to have us handle the process from beginning to end.
The homeowner, contractor, and/or roofing company can contact us for details.
Call us @ 419.491.4685 or email us at: info@sespower.com